Thanks for sharing – your post this week has lingered with me, particularly hearing another person identify wounds and points of pain that often seem unique to my own experience of the world. It's strange to feel a desire to reassure and encourage someone I've never met, and to realize that impulse is a common one for a species as intensely social as ours. ("Does some stranger on the Internet want to reassure and encourage ME?! If so, what a weirdo...")

But I deeply appreciate your sharing both struggles and hard-won hope, and I really celebrate your finding what you need to write poems and make creative work. I know that, for me, poetry is an essential place to bring whatever I'm wrestling with. And as someone from everywhere and nowhere, I'm glad that it seems like you're on a path to building the connections and security of "home."

I appreciate how you sit in the murk, and try to shine a light.

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It's really gratifying to know writing can resonate when it's shared, Matt. A stranger on the internet wanted to reassure and encourage himself, not really imagining it would have any knock-on effect. But here we are. Feels like a special thing. Thank you for all the kind words. I'm glad we both have poetry in common as a resource. Do you share any of your writing anywhere? I'd love to read more.

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I do have some work up at www.mattquarterman.com/writing, thanks for asking. Are your poems just for private consumption or is any of it available to the public?

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I don't think much is online at the moment. I've been so afraid to share my work, even though I believe in it. That's part of what I'm trying to overcome, I think. Thanks for sharing your work, too—I'm looking forward to diving in.

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